Mersea Island
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There’s nothing quite like a hot tub break in Mersea Island. We have a number of ways to stay that include your very own private hot tub!
Hot tub FAQsThere is a great choice of accommodation when it comes to hot tubs at Mersea Island including the TriBeCa and Oyster Cottage.
Take a look at our different types of hot tub accommodation below to find the perfect accommodation for your holiday with us.
Please refer to our Hot Tub FAQs if you have any questions about general usage and rules.
Perfect for those looking for that extra bit of space, a bit of added luxury or if there is a group of you, then look no further than our fantastic TriBeCa’s.
Double room - sleeps 2
Twin room - sleeps 2
Pull-out sofa - sleeps 2
Exclusive to Mersea Island Introducing the Oyster Cottage at Mersea Island – a stylish and modern, coastal themed retreat, designed to help you make the most of your Essex cottage holiday.
Double room - sleeps 2
Second room - sleeps 3
Twin room - sleeps 2
Pull-out sofa - sleeps 2
With its woodland theme and overtones of Scottish baronial living, The Heartwood delivers the wow factor in bucketloads. With tasteful tartans, and a large bath in the main bedroom.
Double room - sleeps 2
Bunk bed & Single - sleeps 3
Pull-out sofa - sleeps 2
Whilst you wait... just think about being in your swimmers, the sun's out and the smiles are big
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