The Bay Colwell
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Fun for everyone at The Bay Colwell.
Get stuck into our exciting variety of activities at The Bay Colwell. From arts and crafts to leisure activities - or getting suck into our unique experiences - there's something for everyone.
Please note, our activities offering is subject to change at different times of the year.
Get ready to unleash your inner Picasso and paint a unique souvenir from your holiday that you can take home. Whether you're a creative genius or a first-time painter, this is your chance to create a masterpiece.
Keep up with the latest fashion trends by learning the art of tie-dye and creating a funky t-shirt that you can wear during and after your holiday! You will be taught how to make different patterns with the dye and with various colours to choose from, not one will be the same.
A unique twist on traditional golf, combining the challenge of aim with the excitement of a frisbee.
For safety reasons, a closed toe form of shoe must be worn. Sandals, flip flops, sliders, crocs etc cannot be worn when participating in this session.
Whilst you wait... just think about being in your swimmers, the sun's out and the smiles are big
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